You can edit your booking up to 24 hours prior to the date of your arrival.

©2025 New Generation Hostel

If you would like to transfer your booking to a different person, you can do so for a fee, but without paying any price difference.
Contact our reservation team at:
We will change the name on the booking and match it to your booking reference.
If you fail to contact us prior arrival the booking might be cancelled.

If you make a spelling mistake, (e.g. Mary to May, or Nick to Nicholas) or need to change a title you can do this for no extra charge.

Your first and last names must match your official ID.

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Didn't you book directly with New Generation Hostel?

If you didn’t book directly with New Generation Hostel you can still check in by selecting -No account? Find a booking- and entering your surname(s) and booking reference. To make changes, or to manage your booking please contact your travel agent, or tour operator directly.